Seizing opportunities.
Shaping the future.

Demographic Consulting Digi+ is a free consulting service for the creation of age-diverse and digitalised workplaces in Austria. We help businesses to develop solid corporate strategies, and use change and digitalisation to ensure they stay competitive.

Free advice for companies

Tailored to your needs

All sizes and industries

Demographic Consulting Digi+ was the winner of the a·g·e Award in the “Working world” category in 2023.


Tackle the challenges of demographic and digital change.

Our working world has changed dramatically over the past few years. Digitalisation, a labour shortage, an ageing workforce and waves of retirement all pose big challenges for businesses. We support business owners and their employees and can help you tackle these changes. Together, we can make sure you stay competitive.

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How it works

Initial talks and review of status quo

Our consultants will identify the specific challenges facing your business and look into your individual consulting and support needs.

In-depth analysis and planning the next steps

We will analyse and talk to your employee groups to learn about your demographics and digital situation and decide on the right way forward.

Tailored implementation

We will adapt our toolbox to the specific needs of your business and staff, and map out the implementation process from start to finish in a detailed plan.

Fit for the future

About six months after the consultation has ended, we will have a look at the results, impact and sustainability of our proposed measures. If it’s needed, we can then also provide a follow-up consultancy session free of charge.

We believe in a world of work in which all age groups and genders work together as equals.

You will get:

Free access to our toolbox for executives and employees

Joint workshops, coaching and help throughout the consultation process

An Austria-wide network to exchange experiences in your region or industry

Information about additional offers and funding available to your business and staff


Create a new world of work for all and everyone.

Work design

Consider all aspects such as digitalisation, content, organisation and surroundings when designing your age-appropriate workplace.

Leadership & culture

Harness age-diverse leadership, employee participation and a fear-free approach to digitalisation to foster respect, commitment and motivation.

Personnel management

Work on future-proof structures and use digital tools for age-aware personnel management during the recruitment process or when devising career and development paths.

Knowledge & skills

Secure and build on your staff’s technical, social and personal skills by age-diverse, non-discriminatory and digital measures, continuing professional development and intergenerational knowledge transfer.


Use digital assistance systems for the benefit of your business and staff, embracing the opportunities of digitalisation while managing its risks.

Comprehensive advice covering five key areas

We consider age and ageing as a process, and will work to align the specific situation of your employees with your corporate goals. Digitalisation is an important lever in everything we do, and we can use it to make work and working accessible to every age group and every generation.

Who do we work with?

Depending on the theme and goal of our consulting, we will focus on various groups within your company during the project’s implementation, e.g. employees, executives, HR officers, works council representatives or a combination of all of these.

How much does it cost?

It costs time, first and foremost. But, of course, we also take into account your specific situation and make sure that your team will still be able to do their jobs and get on with their day-to-day activity. There is no financial cost.

Who can use our service?

As a general rule, any business that has staff and its registered office in Austria (with the exception of Burgenland) may use our consulting and other services. We will go over the conditions and answer any further questions during our first conversation.

Upcoming events

Would you like to get to know more about Demographic Consulting Digi+ or start networking with other businesses in your region or industry? Come to one of our events – they are all free!

Your experts in age-diverse workplaces and digitalisation

Mag.a Alexandra Weilhartner, MA MA

Project Manager
Demographic Consulting Digi+

Mag.a Monika Soukup

Project Manager
Demographic Consulting Digi+

Bettina Zidtek, MSc

Project Manager
Demographic Consulting Digi+



How can we react to change and secure jobs? How can we achieve age-diversity in the workplace? And how do we strike a balance between the needs of employees and the needs of the company they work for?

Our podcast series by Alexandra Weilhartner, Project Manager, and Francesca Herr, Public Relations, discusses current trends and innovation in the world of work, the impact of demographic developments and how to handle (technological) progress.

Our cooperation partners

We work together with regional and national institutions, as well as business, digitalisation and health experts to find the best solutions for your company: individual, tailor-made solutions that are fully reflective of your specific needs.

KMU.Digital Logo
fit2work Logo

Answers to frequently asked questions about Demographic Consulting Digi+


Is the consulting really provided for free?

Yes! All consulting and related services offered by Demographic Consulting Digi+ are provided free of charge. The project is fully funded by the European Social Fund Plus ( and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy (

What services are included in the consulting?

The services range from an initial information meeting and comprehensive analysis work to full assistance with the implementation of proposed measures. You may also take advantage of additional services offered by Demographic Consulting Digi+, such as events and conventions.

Who are the consultants?

The project is implemented by the Demographic Consulting Working Group, consisting of ÖSB Consulting GmbH (project lead) and Deloitte Consulting GmbH. The consortium also includes bab Unternehmensberatung GmbH and move-ment Personal- und Unternehmensberatung GmbH.

Can I use your services if I've already received other funding?

The services by Demographic Consulting Digi+ constitute funding subject to the de minimis rules. To be eligible for our consulting services, companies must therefore be able to confirm that they have not received any state aid subject to the de minimis rules, or no aid in excess of the threshold of EUR 300,000, over the past three years. Eligibility is based on the date on which the aid was granted, not the date on which it was paid out. Once the three-year period has expired, companies affected by this restriction will be eligible to take part in our consulting programme.
The Public Employment Service’s (AMS) short-time work aid made available during the COVID-19 pandemic does not fall under the de minimis rules.

When was Demographic Consulting Digi+ established? How much money is available?

Demographic Consulting Digi+ was established in 2023 for a five-year period. Funds of EUR 17.6 million have been earmarked for this programme. Demographic Consulting Digi+ is active in all Austrian provinces, with the exception of Burgenland.
The predecessor programme “Demografieberatung für Beschäftigte + Betriebe” ran between 2017 and 2022. Some 1,800 companies took advantage of advice on age-diversity in the workplace over this period.

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